It's Good To Be Back Home

Remember when we got our pictures developed right away and then took the little packet of paper photos to a coffee shop and met with friends and family to share our adventure? Now, we pass around a little device and hit 'forward'. Life's kind of funny that way, isn't it. We sort of like the new way because we can flip through them much faster and get on to the better things in life like cracking jokes and making faces at each other. We don't have to carry around those packs of pictures, either, and they don't get out of order this way. These are all good things about being home.

Another good thing is saying hello to your yard and your home and promising to get right on those chores...right away...uh...yup.

Our journey through town included a stop off at a little Bistro in town where we sat next to a photographer who was going over the plans for a photo shoot with two gals. That was fun!

There was a stop off at the dock to watch the seagulls playing shadow puppets against a big metal building. "Look, I'm an airplane!!" Yup, that was fun.

But the most fun funnest of all, is being home where it is easy for me to merge photos and not have to choose only one! We have reached the conclusion of Mr. Contraptioneer's birthday week. He is home, safe and sound and attending to his little whirly gig thingies, and all is well.

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