Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Didn't train this morning. Woke slightly late, felt all my middle-age, stiff, and sore, and suchlike. And it was wet as a wet thing on the bricks outside and the car was in the garage ... And I grumpily didn't train, and just did some pressup-ups on my knuckles instead. xP

So, this evening after dinner, mrs tsuken having helpfully left the car out of the garage when she got home earlier (our driveway is such you can't just roll the car in and out, and I don't like to start it up cold, drive it out, and back and so on), I went up and trained. 


I imagined Kancho Sims standing there demanding a kata, and another kata, and another. And I gave every single one my all. And then my imaginary sensei would call out "mo ichi do" (one more time) and my all would get given again. 

And again.

I could almost wring out my gi by the end of it. 8)

I really need to figure out a word for simultaneous exhaustion and exhilaration. (It probably exists in German.)

Anyway, too exhausted to think of a photo, quick selfie-type shots ensued. First, you can see how I was just apres-train.

But I prefer this shot showing the Chidokan emblem and a bit of the gi (and not so much me xP ):

Mrs tsuken liked this one, and so do I, but I also really likesomething about this other.


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