
Today's offering from the window sill is a quick shot of a robin. The birds do see us and fly off when we move too much, so I'm still wondering why the squirrels don't seem to see us move. Or maybe they do realise that we're separated by glass ...  Meanwhile there's some serious jigsawing going on, that is to say, husband has laid out all 3000 pieces of his new jigsaw puzzle, see the extra. It's looking a bit big, to say the least. Our official dining table and the  garden table and several trays and box lids are filled with jigsaw pieces.... Fingers crossed he'll have enough time to finish it, he's been in telephone conferences all day today, sometimes I really abhor the fact that with today's connectivity there is no escaping work

Thanks so much for your visits, comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's pledge Blip , very much appreciated !

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