
By misswinterfinch

Here comes Christmas!!

A small lighted tree in my neighbourhood that looks like it is floating in space... taken with my shaky hand from the car window. The thumbnail is wretched but I have no way to edit it.
I am almost done with the Christmas job list. I spend too long online and I still have a beaded/embroidered gift to finish. Then Cherry/Cranberry pies, get everything labelled and organised to bring to parties and friends. Whew! Go to evening Christmas Eve where I am reading-- prepared that earlier today before Physical Therapy. 
Last batch of dog biscuits finished tonight... I found out that the neighbours have company coming and two more large dogs will be guests for them as well. So I whipped up another tray of cut out squash flavoured  'bones'. I think I could make these in my sleep now. Very simple really.
And they used up all my whole wheat flour and one container of old white flour. That is a good thing.
Well, let the celebrations begin (almost)! If it stops raining tomorrow --when they say the thermometer will reach near 70ºF -- I will decorate an outdoor "tree" for Gracie T-t. I plan on lighting a leafless red stemmed dogwood bush and maybe hanging some large, cheap ornaments.
Oh, I forgot to blip the dog biscuits to show you. I shall try to remember in the morning before closing the containers.  No promises.
Cherry-Cranberry pies and embroidery take precedence.

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