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We are going to see the new Star Wars film shortly  so it seemed sensible to catch up beforehand. I had only seen the original film (part IV)  so a quick viewing of parts V and VI was arranged.

The verdict?  Return of the Jedi more fun and with better acting off a low bar. Everything served with large slices of ham as actors struggle with the script and stodgy direction.  The ewoks seem quite irritating although my youngest thought they were cute.  Make up and and puppetry would not have disgraced an episode of 70's Dr Who or Blakes Seven. Lots of plot holes and all the "soldiers" on both sides seemed more "Dad's Army" than elite praetorian guard. We followed the strong advice from those who know  to avoid the three prequels.

So enjoyable romps served ideal for lovers of ham and cheese, weird plot holes, slightly annoying ewoks and droids but I have faith in the track record of JJ Abrams to predict a more than watchable new addition to the series.

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