Daily Tales

By PamelaJ

Christmas eve

T'was the night before Christmas
When all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mouse......... Thanks to Clement Clarke Moore. 1822.

Everything ready for Santa's visit - a mince pie and glass of sherry.

It's been a varied day weatherwise. Some early sunshine, then very gloomy and, of course, down came the rain. and finally a bright late afternoon sun very low in the sky, which cast a shining white light on the road and it was very difficult to drive safely.
While we complain about the mud, we think of the poor people in Cumbria suffering from the floods, having lost their homes and possessions. It is hard to believe the devastation they are suffering. Our thoughts must be with them.

How shall we spend Christmas eve?. For the past seventeen years we have participated in the outdoor nativity play at St Nicholas chislehurst. Adults and children, and maybe a new baby, and sometimes horses, perform the Christmas story. The salvation army band play, and us onlookers sing along from carol sheets lit by torches in the dark. It's very atmospheric. They raise a lot of money for the Sally Army and Whitechapel Homeless mission. Whether the nativity will go ahead outdoors is debatable in this awful weather.
The other alternative - friends have asked us to join them in our local pub for a Christmas drink.
Decisions, decisions.

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