Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Keeping busy

No 3 was being looked after by her older sister today.  

Seems they were very busy making Christmas Cookies for mum and dad, and a wee trip to MacD for lunch (courtesy of eldest Weegie who has the driving license!!).

No 1 was out partying tonight...I dropped her and 4 of her gorgeous leggy friends in town.  They stopped off at the bank to withdraw cash, and nearby was a very young man obviously sleeping rough.  He was wrapped in a sleeping bag and trying to read a thick well thumbed paperback by the light of a shop doorway nearby.

He didn't raise his eyes when the girls clambered out the car, all legs and high heels.  It was a bitterly cold evening.  As I was checking my pockets to see if I had any cash to put in his cup, No 1 walked back to him from the cashline and dropped some money in his cup.

No fuss was made, she just walked on.

She works very hard for her few bob (as my mum would call it), and I was very proud that she was so thoughtful.

We must be doing something right after all.

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