The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

The Three Wise men Visit....

I am continuing with the story in pure Black Country Dialect, I hope you try to read the story.

Here goes part four:

While all this was gooin’ on, three wise kings was in a country far away, lookin’ at the stars. Suddenly, one on ‘em put down ‘is telescope an’ called out “Come ‘ere yo lot. I’ve fun a star what wor ther afore, an’ it ay arf a big un !”. “Yo’m right mate “, they sed when they looked. “I’ll bet it’s that one what’s to tell us a new king was born “. They checked up an’ it was. One day they come to Jerusalem an’ went up to the pallis an’ knocked on the door. A sentry opened it an’ they asked “Is the king in ?”. the sentry sed “Arf a mo’, I’ll goo an’ see “. The king’s name was ‘Erod an’ ‘e was in. “There’s three kings to see yo”, the soldier told ‘im. “Oh ar !”, sed ‘Erod, “Where am they ?”. ‘E ‘ad a fit when the soldier sed, “Outside”. Yo cor leave kings standin’ on the step “, sed ‘Erod, “get ‘em in “. So they all cum in an’ ‘Erod sed ”‘Ow nice t’see yer an’ what could ‘e do for ‘em ?. They sed they was lookin’ for a new king and wondered if ‘e was ‘ere “. ‘Erod sed, “’E ay ‘ere, but when yo’ve fun ‘im, drop in on the way back so’s I con goo an’ ‘ave a look meself “. They sed “Righto !”, and went. The star stopped over the ‘ouse where Jesus was and the kings day worry ‘cause it wor a pallis. They went in an’ knelt down by Jesus an’ gid ‘im their gold and frankinstein and myrrh. Mary looked at the presents an’ sed “Thank you, they’m smashin’, but I’ll keep ‘em ‘til ‘e’s bigger if yo doh mind “. The kings took off their crowns an’ bowed. Then they sed “Tarrah”, and went all the way back wum.

The last part tomorrow all being well.

Have a Happy Christmas From all the BM's here in the heart of the Black Country.

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