The second half of life..

By twigs

Agapanthus in the rain

It rained all night, and it's rained all day........

And cold too.....J even wanted to light the fire!

S a damp indoor day after a little shopping in Whitianga.  

Highlight of the day was probably the after-dark bleating lamb rescue.  We'd seen the neighbours sheep alone on the side of the hill in the pouring rain and when we saw it was still there and still all alone several hours later J called the neighbour to alert him.

"Not much I can do."


Both being animal softies we decided that if he wouldn't show any compassion, then we would.  The plan was to round it up and put it in the shelter with J's alpacas.  On with some waterproof gear - and some not quite so waterproof gear - hunt out a couple of torches then head out into the pouring rain on the lamb rescue mission.  To cut the story short, we ended up chasing it round in a circle then J headed around and up the hill to where she'd found the rest of the flock was.  The wee lamb was eventually reunited with his family and we stumbled back to the house soaked and laughing but relieved that he was a much happier wee lamb :)

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