So This Is Christmas Eve?

A very unusual Christmas Eve for us and a comedy of errors and waiting.  People view the world differently and being flexible is a wonderful trait.  Our family always goes out for an early Mexican dinner on Christmas Eve or at least we have for about the past 7 years.  Then we usually come home, open the package with the Christmas PJs and watch The Christmas Story or sometimes play games.  

This year Logan was doing an apprenticeship at a barber shop about an hour from our home and asked if he could invite his sponsor.  That's where all the waiting began.  By the time we actually got to dinner, all Mexican places were closed.  So, we tried a Spanish restaurant, no go.  What else would be open on Christmas Eve?  Chinese.  Actually really good food and good company so all ended well.  Oh yeah, Logan put his iPhone on the roof of the car and drove off - Ouch!  That didn't have a happy ending.  In for the night finally and only one picture taken.

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