Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Poker Face

Had a meal at the Tudor Rose with our (very) good friends L, B & R and Doreen this evening. We ate well, drank well, laughed (very) well and played Uno. This card game, though rather simple, can easily frustrate and if taken extremely lightly can create masses of laughter like it did tonight. This led to a vicious circle of clumsy mistakes which only led to more laughter and even more clumsiness and so on. Quotes like "WHY?", "NOooo, not Blue!", "Blue? Again? Why Blue", "What do you mean why blue, you picked blue!", "Whose side are you on?", "you forgot to say UNO!"
For those who have never played the Uno card game before, this will make little sense. But we recommend it to anyone who likes a good laugh. It certainly makes one put their smart phone/iPad/tablet down.

Anyhow, the girls had a laugh the usual way (natting, gossiping, story telling etc) and the evening stretched out so far that we were the last to leave after being forced to do so in true "last orders" style! I don't ever recall being kicked out of a restaurant, pubs plenty, but not a restaurant.

Happy times.  

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