So this is Christmas!

This one was always going to be weird, however we got through it with only a few tears.
After late night back last night stayed up til 1.30 to do Santa duties but kids still wide awake so set the alarm for 4.30am and stuffed stockings albeit through partially closed lids. Got the fright of my life when was sprung upon by son 2 who thankfully doesn't believe but didn't stop them all getting up at 5.30... I kindly suggested his year they were welcome to go ahead without me :)
Stockings presents bacon rolls drop in from Granny and Grandad and walk in the rain. All as normal til 2pm and they went to their dads... Hmm what to do?
Had a bath, schlomped then lovely phonecall from me dad ( not) who's words of sympathy bordered on the psychotic do had a wee cry then got the glad rags on and went on a Christmas crawl round the houses of lovely friends with open arms and me grabbing Christmas dinner wher'eer I went. Actually a lot of fun and to be recommended as a fabulous way to cheer you up. Finale was a wee cider in front of my favourite film Amelie and all ended happily and fuzzily.
Done for another year

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