
By FarmerGirl

My sister

My sister H and her family have been visiting over the Christmas holidays.  She suffers from MS, although she doesn't let this stop her, as long as she gets lots of rest.

I took this photo of H in the bush.  It's been great having H and her family stay - and lovely for the boys to have their cousins here.  It was sad to see them leave this afternoon to return home.  Hopefully it won't be long until we all meet up again.

It's been another hot day today.  32 degrees C - just too hot to be out in the sun.

My extra photo is a swam of bees that arrived at our house this afternoon.  After flying around, they settled on this branch.  We've phone the beekeeper that owns the hives on our farm - hopefully they will just fly away again, but if they don't he will come and remove them.

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