Auf Wiedersehen!

It's Sod's Law that the day Budapest Boy and Luca leave these shores, the sun finally comes out and the sky is wall to wall blue, enabling Edinburgh to sparkle in a way that shows itself off to best advantages. All this in complete contrast to yesterday when it looked like some city on the road to the darkness of hell.

We ate the last supper yesterday evening - yet more turkey and nut roast, and then said our final goodbyes. These are never easy when we are not likely to meet for at least another six months, with an intervening distance involving the hassle of airports which His Lordship and I have come to loathe.
Still it could be worse, my brother has a daughter and grandchildren in New Zealand and you can't get further away than that.

We did enjoy having the young ones over Christmas. They are such good company and they did make us laugh a lot. Auf Wiedersehen, David and Luca!

My crayons from Santa are in the blip limelight today.

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