Good Book

Short of a blip been such a busy day. However anyone keen on photographing children with animals would really enjoy this book. I got it for Christmas and it is just so lovely.
Was busy in the garden this morning when youngest Grandson arrived with new saw and tools he had got for Christmas . He had said the first job was going to be making me a new ramp to get my mower into the cellar and he was true to his word. Aged fifteen and what a great job he did of it. Then he fixed a fence put a new handle on a kitchen drawer and cut some broken branches of a tree. How good was that.
Their whole family is very sad and going home tomorrow as a young friend was killed by a boat when he was on a biscuit. They are friends with the whole family so it is pretty tragic for them.
Have been out to dinner and cards at a friends. Her brother home from Sth Africa. A great catch up.

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