
So dark today we all overslept. My brother arrived home safely but I haven't yet heard from son#2 and Simone and hope they didn't have too awful a journey on the ferry for the gales returned, as did the rain and it was a wild night. They were due back in Bristol at around 3am, a quick sleep then were off to the next family Christmas!
Housekeeping today - a mound of damp towels, bags of scrunched wrapping paper, disposing of the final remains of the nutroast (it seems magpies are very fond) and a quick trip into Bantry to see if anywhere was open for a few supplies. Very few signs of sales frenzy going on thankfully.
After the stomy night the seas were calm and a rather eerie colour. Here's the little ferry waiting to go over to Whiddy island. So far no takers.
A quick nip around the circuit and we got seriously drenched. Settling in now for a night of reading our new books - a really interesting one on holy wells for me, Suspicious Minds (about conspiracy theories) for Himself, and Landscape Photographer of the Year for son#1 who is still in residence for a few more days.  How impressive to see a photo by blipper Lynnfot   within.

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