Marsupium Photography

By magi

lady star

A repeat blip, this time with improved light. Again, a shot that has been on my list for a while and was waiting for improved light situation. A nice and diffuse day (such as today) was required.

I have been really enjoying posting a picture every day and following a number of journals as time permits. So, it seems apt to celebrate 2 years of blips with a pledge to purchase some shares.

I do wonder how many of the free web services fund themselves. Blip is useful and fun. I am happy to spend some money on that. A community controlled platform is even more interesting.

I do hope that the blipfuture plan works out and I am looking forward to the next few years of blips.

Please help us save Blip, claim your share at today!
I already pledged my contribution, will you join our chain too? 
(please feel free to copy this call for action and paste it in every entry) 

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