A Brighter Day

My AMS album on Flickr --

This should have been for tomorrow's Mono Monday Room 101 theme.  It was shot in my personal 'Room 101' here at home and was mono enough without any extra fiddling from me.

The former classmate who visited me after 36 years last September sent me this Christmas card, which I really appreciate.  It is a lot warmer and certainly more personal than a short digital message on FB, where we are also connected.  We were never close in secondary school or university.  Strange how you don't really know a person even though you sat next to him/her in class.  She was amazed at how different I'd become from when we last met.  I assured her that the me she was seeing was the real me compared to 36 years ago.  Somehow it's this kind of intimate reunion that tends to stick.  At least, I hope this one does.

Still a lazy day.  I wasn't even in the mood to go to the supermarket, so we made do with the salmon salad with asparagus and potato au gratin that bro-in-law J gave us, courtesy of his wife, sis-in-law M, who likes to order too much to impress their guests and display her largesse when a lot is left over.  I don't mind and neither does hubby.  We know her pretty well.  Most important -- it was yummy!  All the housework I had to do was the dishes.  Nothing new about that.

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