
By FlyingPRGal

Unk's Stories

A visit to my aunt and uncle's house this evening resulted in reminiscing stories of my childhood when 'Unk' played practical jokes and adventurous games with me, my bro and my cousins.

I remember how he used to play pretend magic tricks with us over breakfast, had us chasing the popped champagne cork across the lawn at summer BBQs and ran around the house one Halloween dressed in a 'ghostly' sheet only for my brother to retort: "You can't catch me, I've got a cold!"

The circle of life moves on and these days 'Unk' is often on 'Grandpa' duties kept busy by his two youngest grandchildren. I'm looking forward to playing games with my cousin's two little ones tomorrow...I'd better get some sleep.

Photo: Unk's (Grandpa's) Christmas bear telling a story.

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