Is the future bright?

The last Tuesday of 2015. Last night I tried my hand at making spiced orange pomanders and this morning the first one is still on the kitchen table, smelling sweet and spicy. The zested zest has dried a bit in cute curls.  I positioned my iPad as close as I could get to it to make an iPad macro for Tiny Tuesday with a greater area of sharpness than my usual macro lens provides. This is a bittersweet week of looking back at a year full of memories, both happy and sad, while thinking about the future.
Our own future will mean we're going to move back to The Netherlands somewhere in 2016 and planning our new home by either renovating our house there or completely rebuilding a house there. That's an exciting prospect, a real own home after years of living abroad in rented houses.

So, orange, future? For the Blippers not familiar with the reference, there's been an advertisement campaign in the UK for one of the big telephone providers which said that the future was bright, the future was orange.
Blip's future is rather uncertain at the moment, and I would hope it to be bright instead. If you are able to pledge or donate but still haven't because of doubts, please have another look at the Blipfuture page and think about what it would mean for you if Blipfoto ceased to exist.

Thanks in advance for doing that and thanks very much for all your visits, comments, stars and faves for my Blips, quite often I can't keep up with comments and thanks, but please know I value your visits, comments, stars and hearts very much.

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