Welcome, little one

Meet Furb.

I collected her on my way home from the Wildlife Trust Centre yesterday afternoon.  Immediately she found her way under the footstool by the radiator. She was confused and a bit lost.  I left her for a while. 

I've never rescued a cat from a happy home before. Furb loved her family (and her lady was nearly in tears as I left - so I've texted her a few times with progress reports).  I thought that perhaps she wanted human reassurance so I ventured close to her, spoke gently and then picked her up.

She sat by me on the settee, and then crawled onto my lap and purred. We watched an episode of "The Bridge"  (she must have a few questions about the kind of house she's been brought to).  She was quietly content.

When I came down this morning, she had eaten her tea and...(too much information).... but all was well. I went out to the gym and when I came back, she had discovered that she can get behind the fridge (to be discouraged !!!).

Another episode of "The Bridge", more purring - and she's back under the footstool... It will take time.

Will I change her name ?  Not sure.
Is it short for "fur balls",  or maybe "fur baby" - or maybe "furbie".
Whatever it is, she's definitely "furb-u-lous."

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