Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Too cool for skool

I never really like skool. I found it oppressive and boring. I didn't have a clue what the teachers were on about. For years afterwards, if I ever had to enter the premises of a school, I would smell that horrible old cabbage school smell and get an uncomfortable knot in my stomach.

Even though I was looking forward to my son starting school so I could breathe for five minutes without interruption so he would begin this new adventure, I wasn't actually looking forward to having to go to that dreadful place on a daily basis.

But it was different.
There was no old cabbage smell.
Those big powerful authoritive teachers I had once encountered were now reasonable, human beings. Some were even younger than me. And shorter than me.
Now that I was a grown up, I could actually go to school and complain about stuff!!

I love school now. Even if it is a little low on single fit dads.

Open Evening at Northside School

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