Yearly tradition.

Each year i like to record something from our christmas tree......this little heart is it for 2015.

Today has been a day of cleaning up messes!

Mess #1:   which wasn't such a chore....the lovely couple who have been staying in the Spruce cabin for the past 4 days were unable to get their car up the Big Hill so we had to transport them and all their stuff!  this of course entailed delivering them back down the hill this morning...their car was of course covered in clean up #1.   I didn't mind at all, cos they were such a lovely couple.   It's amazing what you can learn about a person's life driving down the Big Hill for 10 minutes!  they met in Korea (he is from there!) 5 years ago, and were married after only knowing each other for 3 months!  talk about brave eh!   they seemed to so happy and they had such a lovely time in the cabin with their dog and cat!

#2:  my office/painting space.  the clutter was way beyond my comfort  zone and i have a very high tolerance for i set to;  reorganizing, pitching stuff in the garbage, re shelving stuff and of course reminiscing....lots of very interesting stuff to be found and read.  some mother's day cards from my dear daughters....holy shit, they sure know how to make me cry!!!   now it feels better and pretty soon it'll all be sorted...still have one corner to deal with!

#3:  by far the worst one to deal with!   Because my dear dog Zoe has developed kidney failure she has to be on a very good diet, and i have to feed her 3-4 times a day.   if i was buying this meat it would cost me a fortune.   Luckily the wonderful guys at a local butchers always have a box or 2 of stuff they've had to cut off the meat as they are packaging it!  so this means that i can go get free meat every couple of weeks.   the only down side is that it's thrown into a big box, with all sorts of other, packaged meat that is outdated.   they just give me what they have and i have to sort it all out!  so today i had to go thro a box that had raw minced meat, some bones with meat on them, packaged salmon and haddock....the stench was a bit much.   i got myself suited out in my disposable gloves, an old apron and got to work out in the porch!   the meat is now cooked and put away...the smells in the kitchen were pretty horrible......i also cooked up all the fish stuff.....but she doesn't seem to be too keen.  not sure what to do with that now!!!

decided to turn comments back on....i miss you guys :(  even altho i have been visiting your journals and leaving comments, i actually miss hearing from my regulars!  just another indication of the strength of this fabulous's like no other.

so with that in mind...if you feel the love...go here and make a pledge.

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