
It was going to be a scorcher today so we decided to do the “Arcades and Lanes” tour of Melbourne which given that most of them are shaded was a grrreat idea for the morning as the temperature in the Arvo rose to 39 C.
This a a truly grreat part of this city with every one different and requiring exploration.
There are little booklets available at the Isite.

The owner of Clementine’s owns this scooter so parks it outside his business and it even had a number plate that reflects the name. It was photographically irresistible. 

As promised Pluto appears in extras as he looked in the shop window. 

We are going out tonight for the New Years Fuss Stuff but no promises there, as we already have plans for tomoro’s blip. (No toys…)

So It’s time to wish you all a happy, healthy and Blipping great New Year and to request another one and another one to continue 4 eva please.
Oh... AND also a large mini bark for your support on The Boss’s Big Birthday. I have to report that he did get a bit soppy with it all but cheered up after 2 hours of ZZZ on the couch.

Old dogs???


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