Saving the planet

I have become "greener" every single day since coming to Germany in 1990. However just before leaving the UK, the Tschernobyl reactor explosion in 1986 had frankly "frightened" me, not enough to become a nuclear opponent at that time, but to have thoughts on security and safety issues. At the same time the first outbreak of BSE in Kent in 1985 was making me have nightmares when my children demanded a BigMac on our infrequent visits to the Big Smoke (Not sure when Guildford had the honour of getting the golden arches) The company I worked for back then owned Wendys and Burger King but the children only wanted Ronald. The "Organic" (Bio as it is known here) thing really took off when I got to Germany.

In matters energy and organic I am no saint - far from it - but I do try. So when the recent work had to be done on the tow bar electrics, I took the opportunity to look at the original Ifor Williams horse trailers inside lamp (the one the horses need for reading at night when on travels). It has not worked for years and Angie wanted one when we collected Sultan in the dark from the clinic a few weeks ago. I managed to improvise something but at the same time scoured the internet and Amazon in particular for a better solution. Result was I ordered a 72 LED lamp with on/off switch and no dangerous glass - 13.95 Euros (about 10 GBP) including post and packaging!

Somehow I misunderstood the delivery dates and have had to wait an eternity, a full 19 (yes - in words nineteen) days, Ok it does include the  Xmas break but still waht appalling service. Sent from Hong Kong directly here. The packaging was "adequate" and the thing worked. So on the upside I can report I will be able to recycle the plastic envelope and the foam wrapping I guess the team at the recycling yard will be able to cope with the chinese only labelling on the cardboard box especially as the supplier saved them the burden of the instructions in one, let alone 28 EU languages.

So now I have an environmentally friendly horse trailer and so long as the authorities don't widen their exhaust ommission checks following the VW scandal to include horse boxes, Sultan & Co should be street legal.

I wonder if my shipment required any aviation fuel or did it come by organic pigeon post?

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