'A New Hope'

I've tried to give all my kids a good grounding in the popular culture of the last fifty years or so. I must admit that there's a pretty heavy bias to the stuff I like and have liked - although perhaps that's not too surprising - but I've tried to make sure they're familiar with the big stuff. 

Some things haven't gained any traction, though, and there's never been much interest in the 'Star Wars' films. Maybe it's the low-budget feel of the early films, maybe it's the fact that the story's not that well told. Whatever. No takers.

Dan is interested by the prospect of the new film, though, and as I mentioned previously, he decided we would watch the preceding six, so that he was fully prep'd. I asked him if he wanted to watch them in release order or story order and he opted for the latter. Which means I've had to sit through all of the first trilogy, which has been pretty miserable. 

Tonight, though, we set about the first trilogy of films, beginning (of course) with 'A New Hope'. It was better than I remembered, actually, although I was irritated by the fact that Obi Wan apparently didn't recognise R2D2. Dan enjoyed it, too, and I feel that we're now on the home straight, with two good films standing between us an 'The Force Awakens'. 

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