Don't Overload Your Boat...

Which maybe the cause of this one sinking. In fact, the passing punt looks rather full and another had sunk just out of view. There were lots of tourists waiting on Jesus Green for a boat ride but according to the tourist's guide it is an unofficial site and they were piling people in the boats which looked rather tatty compared to some others. When I got to Quayside the chauffer punts were not doing good business as the others had got to the customers first. I had to go out to get ink for my printer and as it was a lovely day, I sat by the river and made the most of it. Now it is raining ! I'm not partying tonight as it's been quite a hectic time over Christmas, so I will watch the New Year fireworks on telly from the comfort of my armchair and with a glass or two of sherry. Happy New Year To You All. x

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