In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


As we get ready to say goodbye to 2015, the only reflection I am going to do is on man's continued inhumanity to their fellow man.
Unreported murder in Yemen and Israel by our so called allies, pseudo religious murderers being warred against, while other pseudo religious murderers carry on regardless because their religion is different, cops continue to murder innocent and non white people, Americans continue to debate whether it is ok to kill 12 year old children, parents still let 12 year olds out to the shops carrying guns, Scottish people overwhelmingly and democratically their party of choice as there was no feasible opposition and get slated and name called because of it, the government cuts budgets everywhere and then blames the poor etc. I could go on, but you know what I mean.
Do I see any change coming in 2016?
More wars, more murder, more shit.

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