*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

365/365: Happy New Year

At each year's returning may joy be thy guest
Till life's fading sunshine shall sleep in the west;
And when at the judgement we all shall appear,
Oh, then may we greet you with a 'Happy New Year!'

'Happy New Year to you', 'Happy New Year to you!'
Dear friends and companions, 'Happy New Year to you!'
With voices of gladness and hearts full of cheer,
We wish you, we wish you a 'Happy New Year!

Many thanks for all the kind comments over the year. I'm off to do a few different things and have a bit of a break but hopefully I shall pop back every now and again to post something and to catch up with a few people.

All the best for 2016 and long may Blip continue. It is good to see so many people showing such passion about something and pulling together to save it.

Bye for now... or maybe that should be au revoir :) xxx

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