New Year Brunch

New year in our new city. With a lovely day outside we couldn't resist throwing some bacon on the BBQ for brunch! A very leisurely day all round to be honest!

Readers from yesterday might wonder where my fireworks shot is. Both Jen and I decided to keep the camera in the bag and just watch. It was Lynn and Steve's that we taking all the photos and videos!!

I've seen the messages about the future of blip and the potential community buy out of the company. Unfortunately I can't pledge anything in Australia but I will donate something in the hope it will help. I started blip as a photography journey 5 years ago but soon realised its best feature, for me, was that my family and friends could keep up to date with what we were doing. So much so that my Mum and Auntie Det have coined it 'stalking' through Blip! Whether that was while we were in the Highlands of Scotland, Glasgow or now on the other side of the world from home here in Perth.

I hope that blip can continue and the community stays together. It's a tough ask but blippers are a tough bunch of folk! We'll see what 2016 brings. If you want more info visit

I should have gotten the bacon to spell out Blip but by the time I remembered it was too later!

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