Carry on Blipping

Another Year, another blip, only 365 to go (Oh yes it is, it's a leap year!).
April 2011 I started blipping, a little sporadic at first, missed a day or two for a couple of months, but it soon becomes addictive. There's been some great blips, memorable blips, awful photos but they meant something on the day, me making a fool of myself, me on my motorbike, aircraft and airshows but mostly nowadays it's the dogs, family and motorbiking with the Royal British Legion.
What Marlane loves about it is that she can look back on the same day each year to see what we were up to.
I love it because it's making me use my camera and I'm slowly, very slowly, getting to know more of it's capabilities and also because of the Blipfriends I have. There were more Blipfriends but I found it very difficult to find the time to do everyone justice so, like Facebook, I've had to cut down to the few that I either have something in common with, find amusing or just enjoy their photos.
Long may it last, Inshallah it will go from strength to strength under the new team and we can continue to post our daily happenings and enjoy the same from our friends. We can all help at

Best wishes Blipfoto/Blipfuture for 2016 and beyond.

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