Our blipfuture

Igor bought me a camera when I retired from teaching and I enrolled on an online course to learn about photography. I really enjoyed the challenges of the course but once it was finished my camera sat on my desk. I knew a bit about how to use it but that was all. Blip came to the rescue. Suddenly I had a purpose every day for using the new skills and building on them. 

It was amazing how taking a photo every day and posting it on the website turned into making an image every day that other people might want to look at. Discovering that there were people out there who bothered to look and even bothered to make positive comments surprised me. Suddenly taking photographs had become a part of my daily routine and sharing them became addictive. Within weeks I was part of a community of others who did the same. 

In 2013 we went to Australia to see my sister 'MollyMay' and before we left she was also addicted to blipping. I  bought her a T-shirt like the one in today’s image. I blabbed on about blip so much to my husband Igor that he went from helping me turn my ideas for blip images into reality, to being an addicted blipper himself. We all shared blip friends and Igor and I even went to blipmeets where we turned some of our ‘virtual’ friends into real ones. 

Nothing compares to blip. I know that because I’ve looked at other similar sites. I’ve pledged money because I’m convinced that between us we can make it work. We can make blip stronger and better than ever. We can have a say in how it’s run and where it goes. We can all continue to be part of something unique and very, very special. 


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