Blipforever ...

I tried hard to make Minka understand how to write the word blip in the snow, but she just did what she wanted and had fun with the snow, as always. I didn't dare to go on the ice, it's not yet thick enough ... 

I have been blipping about six and a half years now and I love to look backwards what was going on a year or more before, my memory is in my pictures.
I love photographing and walking in the nature, it's my therapy. A few of you know that I live and work with kids who for a reason or another can't live with their biological family and it's in times very challenging ... when I go out with my camera I can forget all the troubles and badness, blipping is my time and gives me energy ...
I love the positive and encouraging atmosphere in the Blip community, positive feedback is so important to us all ... 
I also love to see how life is going on around the world. Have found some amazing journals and seen wonderful photos, got some friends and others who may not even know that I feel them as my friends ...
(and I hate how difficult it is to write my thoughts in english)
... and without blip I think I would not have had the courage to show my photos in exhibitions. 
The next one will be in local library 18-30.1. 2016,  welcome!

I have made my pledge and I really hope to see you all here also in the future.

Peace and Love and A Happy Blip Year to you all 
wherever you are and whatever you do!

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