
Happy New Year everyone let's hope it the best one yet for blip.
One of the many things I love about blip, apart from the blippers of course, is the 'be excellent to each other' ethos. I don't know many, if any places on the internet where everyone is so friendly and encouraging to each other. Blip is such a safe place to experiment photographically, either with my daily post or hosting of the challenges.
So if you're considering pledging, please do, with what you can afford, no matter how small! The money won't leave your account until the beginning of March and only if the full amount has been raised. I personally think the only risk worrying about is losing this wonderful caring community.
It's my birthday today and my Mum's here for lunch and Rik has just brought me a glass of prosecco, so I'll catch up with all your journals later on. Cheers! ☺

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