From that Archive of Serendipity

Hesitantly these New Year's words are flowing slowly from its source. The source might stay hidden, unknowable in its deep grounds. For a long time now I've kept silent. Reducing my daily Blip-contributions to what the photo would render visible. Its symbolism, colouress mood, underlined eventually by the title words. Simplicity, transparancy as a way of self restraint.

But that is not the full truth. Of course there also was, is, this dark other side of reluctance, despair, uncertainty and the like. The everyday outside world is tainted with uglyness. The beauty of my daily Blip-effort is more than a lifeline. Its also an ongoing expression of an inner conviction, belief in enlightenment. Even a few daily flashes, this momentary glimpse would not undo that ugly world everywhere in agony. But at least it would try to transcend any form of staying imprisoned in it.

That is why our daily walk around here is so vital, the breathing in of fresh air, the discovery of unknown little corners, horizons, skies. Here Willemien's Blip-engagement and discipline has reconforted me every day. We do believe in the continuity of the Blip-enterprise. 

And finally, let me say some words of gratitude to all of you friends and visitors, who have kept visiting and commenting my contributions so loyal, so warmheartedly and attentively. In spite of my absent reactions in return. Thankyou so much. I know I should make a real effort to write and communicate like I did in the past. Let me wish to Blip and to all of you for the best to come in 2016. A Happy New Year!

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