Cuttings Pledge

Happy New Year one and all!

Had to hunt out the old T-shirt for the New Year's Day Challenge.

I first read about Blipfoto in our local daily paper, in an interview with a Bristol librarian, so it seemed appropriate to use the newspaper for today's blip.

That was over 4 years and 1610 consecutive blips ago and I can't imagine a day without blipping now which some ( including the long -suffering Tess!) might regard as a dangerous obsession.

I've enjoyed admiring the artistry of other blippers, sharing their joys and sadnesses, gaining insight into their thoughts and views, seeing parts of the world and cultures I might not otherwise see.

I've been lucky enough to meet up with one or two of you on my travels and enjoy virtual friendships with many others of you, enjoying swapping comments on our blips and lives

It's given me a daily record of the last four years and a daily challenge to take a photo that has made me get out around the local area as well as further afield and look at the world around me more closely.

I'm not sure my actual photographic skills have improved but I do take more care over composition and occasionally get a photo that I'm really pleased with.

Even when the blip mojo has been low, as it has been in recent weeks, I still have to get that daily blip.

That's why the future of this fantastic community is so important to me and why I hope as many of us as are able to do so make the pledge:

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