Blip's Future Is In Our Hands and Pockets!

B - ook
I owe my recently published book on Egypt to Blip. It's an historic time-capsule of the last tumultuous four years there which I hope will inspire young people in that country towards a better life. Thanks, Blip!

L - ife
Looking through those eighteen panes on the home page is the greatest window on life I have. Press a button and there's another eighteen corners of the world to explore. Press again and again and the whole of life comes into my home or onto my mini-screen wherever I am around the block. Thanks, Blip!

I - nspiration
How often have I felt uplifted by what I've read and seen here? How often have I been moved to emulate the example of others? How often have I been prompted out of my comfort zone into uncharacteristic but effective action in the support of one good and rightful cause or another? Many times. Thanks, Blip!

P - assion
Ten blips in a row already shows passion and dedication. A hundred and two hundred even more. Three hundred and sixty-five and the magnificent one thousand is simply outstanding! Who would have thought I'd have reached 2114 with this shot! Thanks, Blip!

F - ellowship
The heart of blip is the fellowship it engenders between so many kindred and non-kindred spirits all around the world. Bonds of friendship embrace the globe like the vapour trails of high-flying jets and often physical journeys are made to bring virtual friends together and then what joy and reward flows. Thanks, Blip!

O - riginality
Blip journals are a treasure trove of originality whether it be a year of dinners or of an unmade bed or orchids or cat-conversations or pectoral development! The ingenuity unleashed by the photo challenges is inspiring and leaves me in awe and wonder. Thanks, Blip!

T - eaching
Whether it be the historical background to Wilmington houses or the intimate habits of spiders or the biographies of street people in Portland or how to re-crop my shots to improve design and balance, this place is full of teaching and learning. Thanks, Blip!

O - rnithology
No list of benefits of this place would be complete without mention of our feathered friends whether it be robins-a-feeding, cormorants-a-drying, swans-a-necking or ducks-a-getting-in-a-row-ing who are brought to us with such assiduousness by fellow, nearly-feathered blippers! What more could a person want! Thanks, Blip!

Time to pledge! We've just done so and would encourage you all to do so too, even if you don't post but just enjoy browsing this wonderful place. Under our community ownership and management we can preserve all of this for a long time to come. You can do so here . . .

Happy New Year from Rio de Janeiro!

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