Pledge Blipfoto

Today blippers have been asked to dedicate our photo to the Blipfuture effort to save Blipfoto, because we believe that Blip and the community within should survive.
I joined Blip two years ago to the day, inspired by my friend Chris, who had linked his blip uploads to Facebook. Originally I intended completing a 365 day project, but have astounded myself by completing two! 
I started with my bridge camera, aided by my mobile phone, but, as you can see, I have recently got my first DSLR camera. My daily blip can sometimes simply be a photo of one of my pets, a cake I have baked, an event attended, a place I have visited or 'arty' photo - but I know that the discipline of my daily photo throughout the two years, has made me more observant of the world around me and gradually I am becoming a better photographer. I hope to  make more progress on that front this year!
Using Blipfoto has allowed me to 'meet' fellow blippers. Everyone is very encouraging and helpful! I look forward to seeing the posts of those people I follow every day and it is lovely to get comments on my posts too.
I would really miss Blip if it disappeared. To that end, I have made a financial pledge on the crowdfunding site to help secure its future. I hope others will do the same.

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