Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A new year, a new future?

Over the last couple of years, my blipping has been somewhat sporadic.  For many reasons, mostly involving life.  However, that does not mean that during those times of no uploads, I've stepped away from the community.  I've lurked in the background, keeping in touch with family and friends in other parts of the world in ways no traditional communication methods would allow.

I came to blip in February 2009, inspired by a friend.  I had a little digital camera but I was cynical about moving away from film and even more so about the idea of editing photos!  I came to blip with my eyes tight shut, I pointed a camera and I clicked.  I'd occasionally played with shutter speeds for photographing fire spinning but when each photo costs, I didn't dare experiment. 

Taking a digital photo a day not only allowed me to experiment, fire off shots and see what worked, but it opened my eyes to what I could photograph.  I'll admit, I've stood on chairs, lain on the ground in a busy street, been paddling, used the oddest things as tripods and even ripped my favourite trousers trying to get the perfect photo.  I've been out in rain, wind, snow, hail, sleet and even the odd bit of sunshine sometimes too.  It's also shown me that I can photograph all sorts of weird things I'd have never dreamt of photographing before.  It's given me an outlet to express myself, record my life, celebrate the highs and get support during the lows.

My mum, my sister, my uncle, my gran (when she was alive) and even (slightly begrudgingly) my dad all joined blip, along with several friends.

Within just two weeks of blipping, I'd purchased a founding membership package as I could see the value the site might bring to my life.  Then I put money in to a lifetime membership and now I'm investing to give Blip a future.  Yes, I could record my photo a day and waffle on about my life in other places but blip has always had such a community spirit.  There's never a bad word said and always someone on hand to offer advice when needed.  Blip feels unique in what it offers.  I have photos waiting to upload from my sporadic years but I'm holding off until I know they will be here for years to come.  But for now, it's back to a concerted effort to take (and more importantly, upload!) my one a day. 

(Only a couple of days in to the new camera so this blip was trickier than I expected, not least because I'd lost the tealights I'd planned on using for it!)

If you've have a little money to spare, please consider pledging to save this lovely community

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