blip blip blip

Quite a tough night, ended up with everyone going back to bed till gone 8 this morning, albeit, Munchie and I in Woms room on the futon, daddy and Wom in our bed!

Decided to head to Croome as we haven't been for ages, met grandma and Millie there which was fun. Lots of muddy puddles, lots of splashing.

Grandma and Millie came home with us for a roast, it was yummy, the children devoured it.

Headed over to see auntie Katie, uncle john and Lucy. Lots of giggling and fun.

Home, Wom fell asleep in the car, having not had a sleep all day! Everyone bathed and in correct beds.

Started to do school work.
In a quandary about tomorrow, do I stay here and plan, tidy, do chores, or head back to 'home' with lee and the children to see his sister and brother.

As for blip, it means everything to me. It's my sanity At the end of each day, it's a reminder of what a wonderful family I have, it's a diary of the day to day events of having two children gives you.
I've pledged...i have everything crossed.

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