Where next?

Hi folks,
As Blip is in need of a miracle to survive, or perhaps a ransom, I thought I'd join in with the spirit & post a "blip" featured entry.

We're also encouraged to post why & how we value blip. Well, this is my 671st entry. I started on a 365-day venture and carried on. I have the huge privilege of meeting many incredible, ordinary, un-noticed, fantastic and inspiring people as part of my work & I thought, wherever possible, I'd let them take centre-stage. I photo them & write about them, all in the spirit of being excellent, just as they are excellent. Some entries are just observations when I'm out and about. The entries also feature in my reports to my team & my bosses & I link entries to Facebook & Twitter. I'm amazed just how many people mention ... "I saw that on your blip ... " & I've received a lot of encouragement to carry on after the initial 365.

So where will blip go now? My guess is that we will struggle to reach the £180k needed but we may reach a compromise figure acceptable to all parties. Or we may just end up starting afresh, day zero, with a willing few, starting a new venture. However it goes, it's been great, great fun.

Thank you & happy new year to you & yours.
Steve (CWA365)

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