Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Keep the Blip flame burning.

Happy 2016!
New Year's Day dinner at my Mum's house is traditional as is the huge trifle in the background. It should be steak pie on the 1st but not this year. Tunnock's tea cakes aren't the usual fare either but the shortbread I made for after dinner is.
Taking a daily blip has become a new tradition for us all. Of late I've been a rubbish blipper, I still take a photo every day for blip but don't manage to post a lot of the time. I'd be really pissed off if Blip went though. I've never managed any kind of diary in the past so I'm pretty pleased with myself and Blip in managing to keep a photo journal for so long.
I actually should have almost 5 years of blips to my name but I had a long pause then suddenly remembered about blip again. I don't plan on falling away from it again so I really hope that pledging allows blip not to fall away from me...from all of us.
I just love being able to see normal, everyday life in places I'll never get to as well as those just down the road but still so different from mine. How exciting it is to vicariously travel to far off lands. I love the welcoming atmosphere, and chat from people I'd never normally meet. It's got me out the house in search of a subject many a time, made me go places I might have not bothered to, spot things I'd previously have walked past and driven my children nuts with the constant...hang on I'm just taking a photo...every ten paces. Ah...Blip...please be a blipfuture.

Of course I feel I must make my apologies for lack of presence on here and I hope to catch up. However I couldn't let today go by without posting or pledging.

All the very best to you all this new year, wishing you happiness and health.


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