Inspired by a famous IBM poster see here I thought about what I could use. Given the wet weather I knew I would struggle to find a Bee, but I knew our bespoke staircase built by the previous owner would provide the BL, (thank you Bernard!) , the eye was plagiarism from said poster, and the P, well thank you Birds Eye frozen foods. I wasn't happy with the pea photo , so Mr H suggested I put the plate on the floor and take the photo from above.... good idea but before I pressed the shutter Reggie had eaten the pea!

So why have I spent new years eve  and new years day thinking about how I can photograph four simple letters. Well I think all us blippers know, it isn't just taking a daily photo, it is the sense of belonging to a community of people, many of  whose paths wouldn't ever have crossed mine. I have met several in the real world, and look forward to sharing the daily trials and tribulations and highs and lows with those and  others I have only met virtually.
I hate to imagine life without BLIP. Who cares if we have lost our lifetime membership, I lost my 50thbirthday present from Miss H when she had bought me Jessops vouchers - (they went in to receivership the day after my birthday so I never got to spend them) I still treasure the love and thought behind the present from her. I feel the same with Blip , it isn't ideal that we are going through this, but at the end of the day I get an immense amount of pleasure from it, so if you are able please make a pledge and lets all hope we are here still next New Years Day to look back at today and think thank goodness, we pulled together and did what we needed to do.    

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