Hope and Action

Blipfoto is so rare- it is a compassionate virtual community that spans continents.
It reflects a range of talents that inspire- photography of course, but also writing and other art forms as people share their lives.
Blipfoto supports people- their creativity, their need for understanding, their need to help others.
I've read noble journals of people waging the war against cancer, people daily taking care of parents and spouses, people who are walking the path of true grief. And I've read the journal entries of new babies, marriages and graduations. Simple daily happiness is shared.

How did the Blip community happen?
I tend to think that it is self-selecting. That the artistic bent and journal quality attracts interesting and kind people. And those people stay.

Blip is not like other social media that promotes "look at me."
It quietly allows people to share the way they look at the world - it promotes a "look at the world that I see."

I have hope that something as inherently good as Blip will continue- hope needs action.
I registered today to donate to this amazing community.

Happy New Year to all!

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