The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

A little sunshine

A better day today. The local weather station says we have had 21C and it certainly feels like it.

I spent some time in the garden this morning planting out some leeks. I had some space left in that veg bed so I popped in some cosmos I had grown from seed and that were still in their modules. Might as well have some extra colour and fill the space. Then I did a bit of weeding and sowed some curly Parsley seed which should be good in winter soups. I often harvest it then wash and pop in the freezer in bags and can crush whatever I want into the soup pot.

Maeve the Deerhound and I had a good walk in the sunshine. The haar has retreated out to sea and the fields were bright green under a blue sky. Not a soul to be seen at the Fishermen's huts. I was rather surprised at that since it seemed a good day to be in a boat or working on the fishing gear. Maeve and I took our time pottering around in the warm sun, and decided on another blip of the big green box.

I mowed the little back lawns this afternoon. They needed a cut badly as they have grown a lot in the long days with all this rain we have had. Maeve came out for a while but wandered back into the house as soon as she decided she had become too hot. Maeve is not a sunbather :-)

P.S. There is now an Orkney June 2012 folder in my Blipfolio :-)

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