Pink Orchids

Many thanks to everyone for their comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s blip.
Today it is cold, wet and windy; I took one picture outside and retreated indoors. I decided an indoor blip was in order and chose these pink orchids, which were just buds on 9 November 2015. They seem quite happy living in the shower room, alongside another miniature one which is white.
For the record.
At this time of year I comment on the year, which has just passed. A former blipper commented, in 2013 that my journal contained 90% flowers and nothing else. I decided to do some calculations and manually counted my entries in three categories; Flowers, Cats and Birds. Since then I have tagged these three categories to make it easier to work out the stats!
Flowers - In 2015, I posted the same percentage of flowers as 2014 – 30%; this is more than 2013 (27%).
Cats - In 2015, cats featured for 10% of the time up from 8.5% for 2014 and 7% in 2013.
Birds – in 2015 they featured for only 3% of my journal and 4.5% in 2014, I blame this on the builders as it was difficult to photograph anything, through the windows and still is until the work is finished. In 2013, before the builders started work, the figure was 10%.
I think I will tag another subject during 2016; animals.
So far I have since I started my blip journey I have made 1685 entries and my pictures have attracted 189531 views as well as many stars and hearts.
I hope yesterday’s efforts to highlight the future of Blip means that I will be able to produces these statistics during 2017.

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