Growing old disgracefully



Back blipping as our broadband was down yesterday - how did we live without it? I had to consult the dictionary, the atlas and the weather forecast on the radio for a change.

To Greenock to see my Bonny Buddy B. who is not only no longer in hospital but was up for a short walk. I wondered as I drove through Port Glasgow why the police were escorting me through the town and people were waving flags at me. Then I saw the special branch on the water looking quite harmless in their little grey ribs and it dawned on me, Her Brittanic Majesty was also in town.

When I picked up B. we decided we would rather have a coffee and a blether in Flava than gaze at the Queen, pretty as she was in pink. On Day 3 of the healthy eating plan, but just had to have a Boston Brownie - it's rude to let others eat on thier own, isn't it? After Mrs Windsor had left, the sun came out and I got a shot of the lovely tug boats.


B. being better
Being by the watter*

*I can spell, it's the way we say it around here.

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