Casino Royale

Better late than never.

It has been a great ride and let's hope it continues in 2016 and beyond.

I made it three years continuous with various degrees a faithfulness before having to pull back a bit for family and work obligations.  The Blip community is really wonderful for a lot of reasons.  Something grassroots where one can post their pictures without too much worry about them being exploited or misused.  Blip has given me the avenue to explore my dedication to photography as a hobby and maybe something more - if only to leave something of a legacy about my passage here on earth.  I like one of the quotes by Dennis Hopper, who unbeknownst to most was a great photographer, requoting Duchamp, "The artist of the future will merely point his finger and say it's art - and it will be art."  Photography is something like that for me - a creative attempt to recognize the beauty around us in our daily walk.  Something of the decisive moment and looking how to frame it which makes sense or sometimes just going by pure intuition to capture a slice of life that can become greater than the moment is was photographed.

I'm thankful for the friends I've met through Blip - both virtual and also real.  Hopefully that continues in the future.  The Blip interface isn't perfect - likes and popularity contests and other things aside, it is what you want out of it - which in the end I think has made a difference to a lot of people here. 

Infinite thanks to Joe for creating this idea and to the BlipFutureTeam for taking the interest, dedication and time to take it to the next level.

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