Day 7

Villeneuve (Switzerland) - Baveno, Lake Maggiore (Italy)

144 miles

Chance for a quick few pictures early this morning before we headed on our way.

Another day, must be another Country - the route from Switzerland into Italy took us over the Simplon Pass which twists and turns its way up 2005 metres through the Alps (not the massive ones) and is literally breathtaking. I took dozens of photographs, but none of them do justice to the experience.

Our little van, and B, coped admirably with the drive and there was only a bit of a smell of burning rubber as we made the descent into Italy.

So, we have arrived at our destination, Lake Maggiore - and it ceratinly is incredibly beautiful. The campsite is right on the lake, we can practically dive in from bed.

The journey so far has been wonderful, but we are a bit knackered and looking forward to a few days of staying put.

Had ricotta and pear raviolli for dinner - all round might just be quite happy....

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