
By PictuRed

War On Terror

Gav a friend of mine pictured here in "the balaclava of EVIL" recently baught a new boardgame called War on terror. The board is a bit like a risk board but the game is insanely different. Basicly you start with 2-6 empires (one per player), a set amount of cash in millions, and two vilages to place any country you choose. when you put down your village you turn over the Oil chip if the dice lands on that number you get money for oil production. if an empire is wiped out the player becomes a terrorist. and if "The axis of evil" is spun and lands on your empire you don the "balaclava of evil" and the rules for you are slightly different. Also there is a suicide bomber card that made me laugh a lot it says "like a boomerang only dangerous and dosn't come back.

had a really good time of it. recomend this game to anyone and everyone.

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